8. Arthur Edwaine Beaumont先生 The Endless Watch,美国爱达荷州19 x 27英寸。框架32 x 38英寸。 高清作品[94%]

The Endless Watch, U.S.S. Idaho 19 x 27 in. framed 32 x 38 in.

图片文件尺寸 : 5090 x 5935px

Arthur Edwaine Beaumont:The Endless Watch, U.S.S. Idaho
signed \'Arthur Beaumont\' (lower right) and signed again and dated \'1938\' (on the matting lower right), titled (on the matting lower left)
watercolor and pencil on paper
19 x 27 in.
framed 32 x 38 in.

Arthur Edwaine Beaumont先生 The Endless Watch,美国爱达荷州19 x 27英寸。框架32 x 38英寸。

下载Arthur Edwaine Beaumont先生 The Endless Watch,美国爱达荷州19 x 27英寸。框架32 x 38英寸。大图